Haunt Your House with a Halloween Makeover
It's only 3 days until Halloween strikes, so here are 4 last minute fun (and easy!) ways to get in the Halloween spirit!
Glam Pumpkin
If you want to try decorating a pumpkin without sharp knives and the gooey mess try this. Invite your kids to give it a try too! Paint the pumpkin with metallic gold or silver paint and glue rinestones, lace, and any other fun ornaments you can find at the craftstore to the pumpkin. This glam, gorgeous, pumpkin is ready to be your dinner table centerpiece!
Spooky Mason Jar Lumineers
The quick and easy project starts by getting a mason jar and large halloween shaped stickers form the craft store. Spray the entire mason jar including the sticker with primer and let this dry completely before moving on. Next, spray the entire major jar with spray paint (I recommend orange, black, or metallic). This may take serveral hours, but it is important to make sure it is competely dry. Once dry, peal off the stickers, and place a tea light inside of the mason jar.

Crazy Spiraling Hanging Ghosts
Trace the spiral design below onto cardstock or scrapbook paper, or any paper of your choice. If you're feeling extra daring draw your own designs of different sizes to create different sized ghosts. Cut along the black lines, draw a cute little face, and poof you are DONE! Find a fun place in your home to hang them from.
Framed Spooky Picture Frame
What you need: Picture frame of your choice, scrapbook paper with print, and orange sparkly sticker letters. All 3 of these items can easily be found at a craftstore. Cut the scrapbook paper to the correct size of the frame and spell out "BOO" with your sticker letters. Frame the paper just like you would frame a picture. Place on your mantle, in your bedroom, it will look spooky anywhere you choose.
Published on Tuesday, October 27, 2015