Staying Fit through the New Year in Newport Beach

The holidays are fast approaching and let’s face it, you’re a bit concerned. You worked too hard this year to give it all up to a few weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Yet, when else can you splurge? Does being in shape mean you never get to eat pumpkin pie or indulge in spiked egg nog? Don’t despair, follow these 3 steps and you can get through the holidays without packing on the pounds but still enjoying every minute of it!
Step 1: Keep a regular exercise routine
This can be a challenge during the holidays especially when traveling but it can be done. It’s up to you to make exercise a priority so schedule time to exercise each day, even if it’s only for 20 minutes. Use the hotel gym or take your workout outdoors. With the beautiful surroundings of Newport Beach there is no lack of outdoor activities. Take a scenic bike ride, walk on the beach, catch some waves or practice Yoga in the sand. There is always something to do to get your heart pumping!
Step 2: Have a plan and stick to it
This time of year you can expect a calendar full of holiday events. Whether its office parties, luncheons, family dinners and get-togethers you know there will be plenty of holiday fare. Decide ahead of time what you will partake in. If there is something on the table you can’t resist take a small serving and move on to something healthier. Remember a slice of pie or a glass of egg nog will not undue all of your hard work. It’s indulging in the entire banquet that can set you back. Making your mind up ahead of time will keep you on the right track.
Step 3: Keep moving
Look for ways to move throughout the day wherever the holidays bring you. Park away from the store and walk the distance when shopping, spend the evening on the dance floor instead of the buffet line at holiday parties, take the stairs when available and get active playing with the kids outside. These little spurts of activity will add up.
Staying fit through New Year’s in Newport Beach is not as hard as you may think. Follow these simple steps for a successful holiday season.
Published on Sunday, November 27, 2016