Save Money With Automated Home Technology

Controlling your lighting, temperature, security system and energy has never been easier. If you are looking for the easiest and most cost effective way to monitor your home look no further. Home automation systems allow you to manage your house all from your smart phone from anywhere in the world. Installing automated systems into your own home is a great idea, but it is an even better idea for your rental properties. Home automated technology in your rental will lower your energy bills, give you less stress, increase your profits, and bring you and peace of mind.
Homeowners dread energy bills. Tenants are often less careful about turning off lights and turning off the thermostat when they leave then they would be in their own homes which creates steep bills and headaches for owners. Home automated systems help your tenants be responsible for their energy use and make it easy for them to control it. Showing your tenants that you care about your rental and want to install the best eco-friendly equipment will also get your tenants on board for saving energy and treat your home with the utmost respect. Balboa Realty is the leader in Orange County Property Management and is here to give you tips to lower energy cost and put more money in your wallet.
Energy Monitors
These helpful gadgets will monitor your appliance usage. You will be able to see which appliances are using the least and most amount of energy and during what time of day. Sharing all of this information with your tenants will help then be mindful and hopefully unplug appliances when they aren't in use. Check when the cost of electricity and water are at peak highs and lows and encourage your tenants to do laundry and run the dishwasher during the low times. Often, low hours are after 6 PM.
Smart Thermostat Control
Make saving energy easy for your tenants by installing smart eco-friendly thermostats in your rental. Your tenants can monitor the temperature of your rental from their smart phones providing them ease of access while keeping energy costs down. With automated climate control, tenants have the ability to program thermostats to turn on and off during specific hours on each day like when they're at work and when they're home. This is extremely convenient because it only needs to be set up once and there's no need for manual effort. Also, if your tenant forgets to turn the A/C or heat off when they leave they can control it all from their smart phone.
Read more Orange County Property Management advice and save even more money.
Smart Lighting
Similar to the climate control, installing specialty lighting is an easy and smart solution for your rental. Tenants can be very forgetful when it comes to turning off the lights and this automated system can prove to be very helpful. You can set your smart phone up to control your lighting in your house, so if you forget to turn off the lights you can do so by easily pressing a few buttons on your phone. There's the option to install lights that detect motion and they will turn off where no ones in the room and you can also install timed lighting for outside decks, patios, and backyard areas which is a huge energy savings.
Smart Security Systems
Security is key to all long term rentals to prevent stress and serious problems. Installing smart security systems is an easy and inexpensive solution for your rental and will create a safe place for your tenants so you will never need to worry. Once installed, the security sensors can detect home break-ins, smoke alarms, water leaks, carbon monoxide, gas leaks, and anything else that could be potentially dangerous to your house. You can program your system to alert you via smart phone when any sensor is triggered like if the smoke alarm goes off you will receive an alert immediately. Also, by setting up video enabled senors renters can check on their rentals anytime of day.
Check out more Orange County Property Management tips!
Published on Thursday, December 22, 2016