Make that Beach Vacation Happen

The year is coming to an end and it’s almost time to look back and think about what we could have done differently. Did you succeed at your resolution for the year? Did you land the job you’ve been dreaming of? Did you take that beach vacation? Or any vacation? Some people say you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Holidays are right around the corner when many people get time off work. You could also start planning now for the next Spring Break. Here are some of our go-to tips to help you start saving for that trip you’ve been dying to take:
1 – Make a plan. If you keep saying you want something but you never take the time to see how you can get it, it could never happen. Try writing it out. When will you start? How long will you give yourself to save? Once you see it all on paper, it can be easier to work towards.
2 – Make priorities. Maybe you like going out on the weekends. There’s nothing wrong with that but a few days out each week can definitely add up. Try cutting back where you can. Or maybe you stop to get coffee on the way to work each morning which leads to breakfast and a couple snacks…then you end up spending about $10 each day just before work. That adds up to $200 a month! Check your last statement and see where you are spending the most.
3 – Set realistic goals. You might not be able to save for a week’s vacation in just a month. So write out some smaller goals that you can actually achieve and motivate you to keep going. Wake up early enough to make breakfast/coffee at home and you could be saving $200. If you have 3 months to save, break it up into 3 parts so you aren’t intimidated by a big number. Meet those smaller goals and you’ll feel more satisfied to keep going.
4 – No charging. Credit card companies entice you to keep charging away so you can accrue miles, points, dollars, etc. In the meantime, you’re racking up debt you still have to pay off. Instead, pay in cash so that you don’t have to pay more in interest each month for charging.
5 – Focus on the big picture. That sounds cliché but it works! Print out a picture or tear one out of a magazine of where you want to go and hang it up. If you see that every morning, it can be a great reminder for the rest of the day that it’s what you’re working towards. Browse our Newport Beach rentals and see if there’s one in particular you’d love to stay in. Make it your computer background so it stays on your mind.
These are just a few ideas to help you finally take that vacation you deserve. There’s no time like the present! We hope to see you in Newport Beach soon.
Published on Friday, September 30, 2016