Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Planning a Move

Buying a new home means big and exciting changes are headed your way. This means you will have to sell your current home if you own it, find a new home to move into and transfer all of your belongings. Balboa Realty, the leaders in Orange County property management and real estate know how to keep the process of moving running smooth. Eliminate the stress and anxiety by following our advice on 4 things to avoid when planning your move.
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Don't Disregard Your Finances
The first step in the home buying process is understanding your financial situation. If you are buying with a partner or spouse talk open and honestly with each other and be transparent about everything. Think about your job security, your current savings and your lifestyle. Buying a house is a great investment, but you don't want to buy one that is too high out of your budget and will put you in a financial hole. Set yourself up for success. Talk with your financial lender and figure out what makes sense for you.
Don't List Your Home Before You Know Where You're Moving
Before your put your home on the market you'll want to set up a plan and have all your ducks in a row. If the market is hot and offers come in fast you might end up selling your current home before even having the chance to find a new one. You don't want to underestimate the time and effort it takes to find a new home. Moving is a big deal and you won't want to be rushed into buying a new one unless you truly love it.
Looking for homes for sale in Orange County? Call Balboa Realty: 949-386-8310
Don't Buy A New Home Before Selling Your Current One
When you find the house of your dreams it's important not to jump at it and blindly buy it before considering your current home. It's important to have the ball rolling in both departments of buying a new house and selling your current one. If you jump to early, you will be responsible to pay for two mortgages at the same time. This creates an extremely stressful situation and is one to avoid. To sell your home quickly, list it at a fair and competitive price so it will attract a lot of potential and serious buyers.
Don't Forget to Research The Neighborhood
You might come across the most amazing home for sale, but before you put an offer down consider what your new everyday lifestyle would look like. Think about your new commute to work, your new neighbors and your new local spots. Prioritize what means most to you such as being able to walk to the beach, having a big backyard, or living on a dead end street. If you have children or are thinking about having children in the future, consider is this neighborhood family friendly? Are you close to a busy street? How far it is from school? Is the school public or private? There are lots of things to consider outside of the walls of the home.
Published on Friday, December 1, 2017