4 Tips to Get Your Home Ready to be Rented

Have you ever thought about renting out your house or one of your houses to make some extra cash? Income properties are a smart way to make consistent money and it can be really lucrative. Housing rentals are a necessity so the demand is always there and all you have to do is bring the supply. Newport Beach specifically is known as a rental hot spot you’ll want to be a part of. Once you have made the decision to rent out your house, you will need to get it ready to be rented. How do you prepare a home to be rental you ask? Follow Balboa Realty’s easy steps and you'll be thankful you did. Learn more about Balboa Realty’s Orange County Property Management services & call 949-386-8310 today!
1. Inspect the Outside
Before you post a “For Rent” sign in your yard take the necessary time to fully inspect your home. Take a close look at what’s going on inside and out, and identify any problems or questions you have. Be sure to inspect the following for any current or potential problems: the roof, the gutters, the electrical outlets, outdoor lighting, the driveway, the garage and the pipes. Make a list, prioritize it, and get to work or hire people to help you.
Interested in buying an income property? Call: 949-386-8310 - Balboa Realty can help you find just what you're looking for.
2. Take a Look at the Interior
Once you’ve inspected the outside of your home, take time to look inside. How old are the furniture and appliances in your house? Do they need to be upgraded? Test all of the light bulbs and outlets and make sure all of the appliances work properly. Also, make sure you have installed safety devices such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers. If you need new furniture or appliances, rest assured that it’s an investment and you will be able to charge more for rent. Having a clean, comfortable, and uncluttered rental home is key and will attract the best renters.
Learn more about Balboa Realty's Orange County Property Management services can help you & call 949-386-8310 today!
3. Work with Balboa Realty To Set The Rental Price
The next step is to determine how much you want to charge for rent per month. Calculate your monthly cost to run your home to get a baseline number and then we can take it from there. Our Balboa Realty experts are well versed with our Orange County local rental market, so we know the appropriate rental rates. We will market your property on all of our online outlets and highlight all of your properties features. You'll have all star tenants ready to move in in no time at all!
Read more about Orange County Property Mangement advice.
4. Find Responsible Tenants
From the beginning to the end, Balboa Realty will help you every step of the way. The tenant screening process can be long, timely and difficult, but not when you have Balboa Realty’s help. With our large database of clients and our community ties, we only rent to responsible people and have a through process complete with background and credit checks. It’s important that this process of finding tenants runs swiftly because time is money and you won’t want your property to be vacant for very long.
Published on Friday, February 17, 2017