Vacation Rental Advocacy - Let Our Voices Be Heard

The vacation rental business is extremely beneficial to the local and nationwide economy. The travel and tourism is a huge contributor to the state’s economy and without it many will suffer. California is in a huge amount of debt and the tourism industry brings people outside of the state with money into the state. Vacation rentals are a big reason why. Newport Beach Vacation Properties offers safe, spacious vacation rentals at a variety of price points ranging from affordable beach bungalows to luxurious oceanfront villas.
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As the controversy heats up, it’s important that all of us in the vacation rental business come together as a united force to make sure that vacation rentals will always be in existence. It is vital that open conversations are held between knowledgeable property owners and property managers with the local law makers. The politicians making the laws often do not know the complexity and the importance of our vacation rental market and it is our job to educate them. Talking to the elected officials will bring positive results. Read More Vacation Rental Owner Information.
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2017 marks a year of great discussion around the area of vacation rentals. Many state’s legislators are expected to have this hot topic be on their radars and are ready to address it. This is when you and I come in to play a crucial role. We must stand up and lets our voices be heard about the importance of the vacation rental industry and make sure that bills are passed to ban communities from restricting the use of homes for short term renting.

Arizona recently passed a bill with overwhelming support, SB 1350, that does just this. The bill establishes basic, clear standards which allows communities to develop safety, health, and quality of life rules and regulations. It also provides the means for the collection of occupancy taxes which is very important. Coming to this agreement and passing this bill is a huge success and we hope to model this bill for the state of California. The standard has been set and it was all because the conversation was flowing between property owners, the vacation rental industry, property rights groups and state legislators. Communication is key and we are asking for your support and highly encourage your to contact your state officials and start the conversation about the vacation rental marketplace.
Published on Wednesday, March 15, 2017