5 Tips When Moving With Children

Moving is huge task unto itself, but when you add children into the mix you may feel like the moving process is near impossible. Even when the stars align and everything goes according to plan, there's no question that moving is emotionally and physically draining. When it comes time to pack up your bags and relocate, keep these tips in mind and rest assured you will lower everyone's stress level and keep the whole family happy. Here at Balboa Realty, the leaders in property management, we have expert advice to help you every step of the way.
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Keep the Kids in the Loop
Moving is a huge change and change can be hard for anyone and especially a young child. It can be confusing and hard to understand why Mommy and Daddy decided to uproot their home. After you have officially decided to sell your house and move into a new one, tell your children the big news. Explaining to your kids why you decided to move in a positive way is important and will help them get excited, so do so by planning a fun family dinner. Tell the that Mommy got a new job, or that they found a bigger house to fit the family better, or that this new house has better schools for them. Focus on the great new features of your new home like the huge backyard the kids can play in, the beautiful beach in walking distance, or the attic they can make a fort in. Also, remind them that family is the most important part of life and they will always have that no matter what. Make the news exciting and let them ask any questions and concerns they may have.
Evaluate Your Belongings
Familiar items such as blankets, sweaters, and special art paintings bring us comfort and can be instrumental in helping with the moving process. Having a little piece of home is always nice, so reassure your kids that they can bring all of their favorite things, but also take this time to evaluate what things you love and what things you can part ways with. This could be a great time to explain the importance of donating items, furniture, toys and clothes to people who are less fortunate than you and who would really love the item. The more you can leave behind the more you can start fresh without all the clutter. Explain to your kids that they can help decorate their new rooms and starting fresh is really exciting!
Let Your Kid's Help You
It might be easiest to do the majority of the packing when the kids are napping, sleeping, at a friend's house, or with a babysitter. You can get in the zone with no distractions and you won't feel strained by trying to pack and give your kids your full attention. It might be too upsetting for children to see their belongings being packed up so sometimes it is best to keep the packing out of site out of mind for them. Some children on the other hand are curious about the whole packing process and want to be Mommy's little helper. If they want to help give them a task appropriate for their age and also let their creative minds flourish by giving them markers to decorate and personalize the boxes. This adds some fun to the moving process, and will make them feel involved and excited about moving in general.
Have The Essentials Close
While you are packing everything up keep in mind that it will take you some time to unpack all of the boxes once you make it to your new home. Set aside one box that has all of the extremely important things in it and keep it in reach. This box will have all of the essentials for your kids such as a stuffed animal, blanket, first aid kit, birth certificates, check books, medical records, passports etc. Let your kids pick a few items that will comfort them. This box should go with you in the car or as your carry on if you are flying so that it's always close to you when you need it.
Say a Happy Goodbye
Many kids fear that they won't meet another best friend or favorite teacher. They might feel like they'll never see their neighborhood friends again so be sure to promise them you will stay in touch with their friends. If you are moving across town you can set up play dates or if you are across the country you can write letters with your kids. Ease your children's minds and tell them they can stay connected to their old friends and it's also super exciting to make new friends. If you can plan a casual going away party with the neighbors and any of your kid's classmates. Saying a true goodbye is hard, but also enables you and your kids to move forward properly.
Published on Tuesday, June 13, 2017