Home To Do's During The Winter

New year, new home improvements! After the busy holiday season, the weather gets a little colder and there is a peaceful lull. Calendars are clear of important events and you have more time on your hands. During the cozy winter season, many want to cuddle up on the couch, turn on the tv and hibernate. Although this sounds like a great idea, dedicate a day or two to winter house maintenance. Make one of your New Year resolutions to do some work on your home. Balboa Realty, the leaders in Orange County Property Management is here to guide you through a short and painless winter home checklist.
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Home Inspection
When things fail and go wrong at home you want to make sure you know what is going on and how to fix it. Take a walk around both the inside and the outside of your home. Look up, down and all around. You know your house better than anyone else so when something looks off you'll likely be able to spot it. Look for clogged gutters, broken doors and windows, walls that need to be repainted, broken appliances etc. Make notes for issues that need attention now and ones that you could save for a later date such as Springtime.
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Purify Your Air
Do you suffer from a dry, itchy and stuffy nose? Do you repeatedly sneeze and have watery eyes? This might be due to the dry air during the wintertime that is filled with allergens. Having clean and clear air is key to your health and well being. Some of the biggest dust creators in a home are bedding, carpet, plush furniture, and pets. Hard to get places such as on top of cupboards, behind your bed, under your couch, and ceiling fans hold dust so attack these areas by using a vacuum with an extention. Just by vacuuming and dustnig you're sure to feel a postive difference.
Pay Attention To The Winds
Southern California fortunately doesn't have to deal with the hassle of snow and ice, but high powered winds are still hazardous. Look around your yard and check for any trees that look old or could possibly fall on your home. Calling in an expert and getting a professional opinion is always a good idea. You don't want to find yourself stuck in a situation without power for days on end so be sure to have flashlights and batteries stored away in a place that is easily accessible. If you want to play it safe, install a generator in your home so that you will never be without power.
Published on Friday, January 5, 2018