Clean The Hidden Germ Ridden Items In Your Home

We are in full swing of flu season and this year has been one of the very worst. Medical experts predict that it doesn’t plan on letting up any time soon. We can’t control all of our surroundings, but we can make sure the inside of our homes are as clean as can be. Many of us make cleaning the toilet a high priority when it comes to chores, but not all of us take the time to clean other germ ridden items and places in our homes. Just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Balboa Realty, a leader in Orange County property management, has a list of a few other items to keep clean, so you won’t get caught with the flu.
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The bathroom is a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and thrive. Always shower with the fan on and if you don’t already have one seriously consider installing one. If you start to see traces of mold, clean them immediately so they don’t get worse. Mold can be a serious problem for your health so you’ll want to take care of it sooner than later. Clean your shower curtain regularly by hand or throw it in the washing machine. These curtains get wet and take time to fully dry making them breeding grounds for bacteria if they’re not cleaned. Similar to your shower curtain, your hand and bath towels tend to stay damp which means they can easily get contaminated, so it’s important to wash them in hot water every couple of days.
Think of how often our hands come in contact with any sort of electronic device such as our cell phones, tablets, keyboards, remote controls etc. We are always plugged in, so we are frequently touching all sorts of things, and then transferring these germs to our devices…like a phone that touches our faces. The remote is known as one of the dirtiest items in our homes and often over looked when it comes to being cleaned. Take a lysol wipe or a paper towel and alcohol and clean these devices at least once a week to stay safe and clean.
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Kitchen Sink
The sink is the catch all of germs where you rinse off anything and everything. Every time you put food in the sink or rinse a dirty plate, spray some of the dishwashing soap in the sink basin to clean it. This is a easy and quick way to prevent bacteria from forming. Also, take a look at your kitchen sponge. This one little item could be harboring billions of different types of bacteria so be sure to throw it out once and week and replace it with a new clean one. One natural cleaning solution is to use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to scrub your sink with. Pro tip: If you have a garbage disposal you can throw a piece of a lemon in it and grind it up. This will help make it smell fresh and lemony clean.
It’s true that carpets give your home a cozy vibe and feel much nicer on your bare feet than hard wood floors, but it’s no secret that carpets trap all kinds of harmful germs. Make a house rule of no shoes in your home to prevent outside bacteria from being tracked in and then spread around your house. In order to get all of the allergens and bacteria out of your carpet, vacuum your carpet a few times a week. Also, make sure you have a vacuum with a HEPA air filer to get the job done right. Just by committing to this chore you might even notice yourself breathing a little easier.
Published on Friday, February 16, 2018