Freshen Up Your Home With New Paint Ideas

Hello Spring! This is the perfect time of year to take a good look around your home and figure out how you can give your home a style upgrade. There are so many ways to dress your house up and add a little something extra just by getting out a few cans of paint and a paintbrush. You might have your eye on your walls or you maybe you want to refurbish some of the old furniture in your house. Balboa Realty, a leader in Orange County Property Management, is here to give you trusted advice for your spring home improvements.
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Paint The Walls
Have you ever walked into a room in your house and something just looks off, but you can't put your finger on why? You might change a side table, add a love seat, or hang a new painting, but it still doesn't look right. Sometimes all you need is a fresh coat of new paint on the walls! Painting your walls bright white or off white sounds plain and boring, but this might be just what your home needs to look fresh again. White makes everything look new and clean and you can use art and decorations to add color and texture to the room.
Accent Walls
For the ones who still think white is just plain old boring, we hear you. If you want to add some fun paint to your walls, go right ahead, and we have some advice. Before you go painting the entire living room a vibrant orange or a deep sea blue, imagine what it would be like if you painted just one wall that color. Accent walls are very in and can really make a room stand out and feel unique. If a pop of color isn't your aethetic, you could also incorporate wall paper for your accent wall to add some texture and an extra "pop" in your home.
Paint Old Furniture
Old furniture can be such a drag on your home's vibe, but before you toss out some of the furniture that you've had for years, you might want to consider refurbishing them. If you want to try a fun home improvement project, spend a weekend painting and transforming your old furniture! Decide if you want to jazz up your style by incorporating gorgeous marble effects or using a spectrum of light to dark colors to create an ombre effect. You can also use a darker stain to make the surface look like beautiful old wood. If your paint is non toxic invite the kids and the whole famiy to join in and spend a weekend doing family painting!

Repaint Your Kitchen Cabinets
Old, tired cabinets can be a big eye sore in your house. Before you get out your check book and cringe at the amount of money it would take to replace these cabinets, take a breath because you might be able to totally transform them with paint. Cabinets made of wood, wood-laminate, and metal cabinets can be easily repainted. The best way to start is to remove the front of the cabinet and paint it seperately. You can then choose to paint the inside of the cabinet with the same color or use to fun or funky color inside.
Published on Friday, March 23, 2018