Get the Musty Smell Out of Your Home

When you return home after a long day the last thing you want is to be greeted by a wretched and gross smell. You can’t seem to put your finger on exactly what it smells like and what is causing the smell, but one thing is for sure…it sure doesn’t smell good. This common issue is known as the “old house smell” and is usually described as musty. Instead of masking the smell for a couple of hours with Febreeze, Balboa Realty a leader in Orange County property management, will help you get to the root of the problem.
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The Cause:
This old home smell isn’t a serious health hazard, but it can be an inconvenience and a major turn off. Most likely, this musty smell is caused from Mold Volatile Organic Compounds. Homes with poor ventilation and dark areas creates an area with high humidity which in turn creates a perfect environment for mold to start growing. These beginning stages of mold can cause a scent which is the “old house smell”. If you do start to see areas of black mold in your home, such as a bathroom, call in the professionals to inspect it and eventually remove it.
The Cure:
Fabric can hold onto smells, germs and moisture, so deep clean couches, rugs, anything with upholstered material. Considering how much time we all spend relaxing on our couches, getting this professionally done is absolutely worth it. Make sure that your upholstered furniture dries completely or else it will be a breeding ground for mold.
Sun & Air
These two natural resources are not only super helpful, but they’re completely free! Open up all of your windows and let the sun shine in your home. The UV rays of the sun act as a natural disinfectant and the sun and air will help dry out the moisture of your home and furniture. Baking soda is another natural and cheap way to neutralize your air. Sprinkle a little in a bowl and place it on top of your fridge or in an area out of sight and it will help your air smell a little fresher.
If you live in a humid area and find your home generally has humid conditions you can easily fix this by buying a dehumidifier. You can even purchase one that has a humidity control so you can always see the humidity level in each room. Humidifiers and home heating/cooling systems can trap mold and dust, so be sure to check those and have the filters replaced every year.
Every surface in your home has the potential to carry germs, mildew and all kinds of nasty things. Do yourself a favor and wipe down all of your hard surfaces from the floors to the cupboards to the ceiling fans. You can use a disinfectant spray to make sure it kills all the germs and prevents them from spreading throughout your home. Wiping down the walls with a gentle cleaning solution will also help take out any smells and mildew that has found their w.ay into your walls.
Published on Friday, April 27, 2018