3 Reasons Why You'll Want to Sell Your Home This Spring or Summer

Spring kicks off prime selling season for homes. As the cold and gloomy winter weather eases up and the sun shines brightly in Orange County, people are extra excited to at the prospect of buying a new home. Don’t take our word for it, let the statistics speak for themselves. The National Association of Realtors states that the four heaviest home selling months - May, June, July and August account for 40% of an average year’s total home selling volume. Balboa Realty outlines 3 important positive reasons to get excited about selling your home in Orange County during the spring and summer.
Need some advice on selling your house? Let Balboa Realty help. Give us a call today: (855) 211-1489
Reason #1: Demand
It’s quite common for people to wait out the storm (literally) during the winter, and when springtime hits, they go full force into buying mode. Buyers flock to open houses and are eager to find their new home. This is the most popular time of year for people to go to open houses, many of which are serious buyers. With increased demand, this only means one thing…bring on the bidding wars!
Reason #2: Higher Selling Price
Not only are bidding wars likely to occur in the Spring and Summer seasons, but home appraisers are more likely to lean towards a higher value for your home. A big factor in calculating the value of your home is based on comparing your home to other home's in the neighborhood. Because this is a hot time to sell, the price of your neighbors' homes that have already sold will help your home get a good selling price.
Is it time to sell your home in Orange County? Call Balboa Realty today: (855) 211-1489
Reason #3: Sunny Warm Weather
Although Southern California doesn't have to worry about snow and harsh winter weather, winter still has cooler temps and regular rain. People have a found sense of excitement in the Spring and are often craving something fresh and new. All you have to do is convince them to pull the trigger and make an offer on your house!
Published on Friday, April 19, 2019