How To Have The Greenest Lawn On The Block

Have you ever walked past your neighbors house and admired their perfect green lawn? You might think to yourself "How do they do it?" and "Why can't my lawn look like that?". No longer do you need to feel green with envy because Balboa Realty, a leader in Orange County property management will help you improve your lawn and make it the best yard on the block. Follow our team's important tips on how to keep your grass growing green all year round and if you're in the market for a new electric mower, we have a buyer's guide here.
Looking for an Orange County property management company? Call Balboa Realty: (855) 211-1489
Soil Tips
Similarly to our own bodies, if you want to improve your lawn's outside appearance, you first have to start with the inside. Start by aerating your lawn once a year. This involves poking small holes in your lawn to allow water, air and vital nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. Another part of the health of your lawn involves the seeds. When choosing the right seeds for you lawn, there is no one perfect seed. Instead, choose a variety of different seeds so that there's a greater chance of the seeds taking and your lawn flourishing. This seed mixture will help make your lawn be more resilient and survive all year long even during the tough weather conditions.
Let's chat about our OC property management services: Call Balboa Realty: (855) 211-1489
Mowing Tips
Mowing is an essential part of taking care of your lawn. Grass should be kept between 2 - 3 inches tall which usually means mowing is a weekly task. Taking care of your lawn mower is key because the overall condition of it effects your grass. Make sure that the blade is sharp so that it makes clean cuts when you're mowing. If the blade is dull you run the risk of making your grass susceptible to diseases and insects. Also, it's best to cut the grass when it's dry because wet grass is heavy and difficult to cut properly.
Interested in buying an electric mower? Take a look at the 7 Best Corded Electric Lawn Mower Models – Buying Guide 2019
Want more homeowner tips? Read More Here
Watering Tips
Orange County doesn't typically get a lot of rainfall compared to other places in the United States, but its a good idea to have a measuring tube to see how much water you get each week. As a general rule of thumb, your lawn needs between 1 inch - 1 1/2 inches of water per week all throughout the year. It is common for homeowners to think that more water is better, but you could actually be doing a lot more harm than good. If you start to see dry, dead patches in your yard then you should give those specific areas an extra drink of water. The good news is watering won't have to become a daily task because watering a couple times a week is actaully better than doing it daily.
Published on Monday, September 23, 2019