New Digs for Bluewater Grill

Great news for all of Bluewater Grill foodies...a NEW location may be opening on Newport Pier!
Currently, the city of Newport owns the 2 story building that has been vacant for 4 years occuping prime oceanfront real estate. The Newport Beach City Council has concluded that something must be done and voted unanimously Tuesday to work with the owners of Bluewater Grill, James Ulcickas and Richard Staunton, to develop a new restaurant at the end of the pier. The current building was built in 1940 and after extensive evaluation it was deemed too dilapidated with peeling paint and rotting wood to renovate. The building must be completely demolished and rebuilt and also the pier structure below must be reovated as well. This project will prove to be costly, but the location is nothing short of a rare gem that will attract both tourists and locals.
There have been many other restaurants' proposals considered by the city, but Bluewater is by far the front runner and could be just the company to take over. Our beloved Bluewater Grill features the finest seafood only purchasing fish that fits the criteria of sustainability, environmental impact and ethical/best aquaculture practices and harvest guidelines. Trust us, their unique flavors of the sea and ambience will have you coming back for more!