Sunken Ship in Newport Harbor Brought up from the Depths

After 3 years, Shellmaker INC's sunken Gemini scow will finally be removed out of Newport Harbor. Years ago, the company Shellmaker was in the dredging business and the Gemini was built to complete small dredging projects in the harbor. After many years of active service, the scow sat unattended in the harbor and eventually sunk off the tip of the Lido Peninsula in July 2013. (During low tide you can actaully see the top of it.)
The Associated Pacific Constructors (APC) recently struck a deal with Shellmaker INC. agreeing to have the Gemini removed hopefully by the end of March. The deal stated that once the scow is removed the Associate Pacific Contructors will receive 2 moorings. APC's task of removing the Gemini will be a series of steps that will mostly take place under water. It will prove to be a difficult and expensive task due to the fact that the scow weighs about 300,000 pounds, but the APC is confident that it will be removed efficiently. A work barge will be set up next to the sunken scow and then it will be cut into multiple manageable pieces so that it can be lifted out of the water. The pieces will then brought to Los Angeles to a recycling facility. It is exciting to finally have some good news regarding the Gemini situation and that a deal is benefical to both parties involved.