NBVP has recently merged with Burr White Realty, providing over 130 of the finest vacation rentals Newport Beach has to offer! Read more

Contact Us

Do you have questions about our vacation properties, management services, or a maintenance issue? We'd love to hear from you! Contact us at (949) 734-7418 or fill out our request form below and someone will be in touch with you soon.

Phone Number

(949) 734-7418


813 E Balboa
Newport Beach CA 92661


Vacation Rentals

(949) 734-7418

813 E Balboa
Newport Beach, CA 92661

Property Management

(949) 438-2568

813 E Balboa
Newport Beach, CA 92661

Real Estate

(949) 386-8310

813 E Balboa
Newport Beach, CA 92661

Contact Form

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